Thursday, February 28, 2008

My Final Word on John McCain

I'm done. *sigh*

I'll admit that I really want all this crap about McCain to be just that...crap. No, I have no interest in voting for him. I just want to be able to look at one Republican in Washington with respect. I've read some of his books. One, in particular was about courage & integrity. (I really liked it.) I've watched documentaries about him. (I liked those too!) Anyway, never let it be said that I will blindly cling to an idea. I've read. I've considered.

Here's a well-crafted commentary from George Will. McCain In A Glass House

My frustration with this situation is multi-faceted. If McCain is the lying hypocrite that we're reading about then he's truly no better than the great & lowly lying hypocrite that's at the helm right now. If McCain is simply naive in his choices of relationships, then he's truly no better than the guy that's been sailing us off-course for 8 years.

Note: I know that this is the complaint several of my friends have already made. I was trying to ignore you. I'm sorry.

But those points are moot. I never wanted him in the oval office anyway. I want & need leaders in Washington who fit the persona that he exemplified before the curtain came crashing down. Why?

I am a firm believer in the center. I might be a bleeding-heart liberal democrat, but deep down I believe that the safest place for our society is in the hands of the moderates. Extreme views & extreme leadership in either direction puts us off-kilter.

OK what I really want is a social progressive who's also a fiscal conservative, but dammit they don't exist outside of Aaron Sorkin's imagination.

I have watched the far right drag this country off-center for the last grueling 8 years. We need to get things back in line. My problem is that things have become so polarized that I don't see true voices of moderation and compromise. For a long time, McCain looked like one of those people. Joe Lieberman used to look like one of those people. (Before he went coo coo!) I've had a lot of hope for Lindsey Graham. Yes, I know he was on the Judiciary Committee that impeached Clinton, but he's also been a supporter of sensible immigration reform. Unfortunately, I think he's going to lose 2008 for that. Who will I have left? Joe Biden? Yeah, I like his take on a lot of issues, but he's always struck me as a few bricks shy of a load.

I know that a lot of people (and many of my friends) desire a massive pendulum swing to the far Left. Swinging the pendulum hard in the other direction just keeps the cycle going. Someone need to take the radical approach of slowing resting the pendulum in the middle!

We need to rediscover the true center. I think Obama is a step in the right direction. He has made several campaign promises that depend more on compromise and moderates than hard-liners and radical left-thinking. To do that, he'll need people working on both sides of the isle carrying out real debate and finding real solutions. I just don't see those people anymore.

And so that's probably why I was the lone liberal voice of support for John McCain...not as president, but as a leader and someone to respect. I'm not going to start badmouthing him, but I'm also not going to defend him anymore.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Civil Religion - Establishment of Religion

Gamer Geek excellent response to Our Civil Religion gets me started on the next part of this little reflection. He wrote, "Our founding fathers very explicitly wrote a secular constitution without reference to any specific gods" and questioned the understanding of those claiming this to be a "Christian Nation." Is this true? Did they purposefully write a secular constitution? Was their vision of this separation absolute?

My reading tells me that the founding father never envisioned a "Christian Nation" but neither did they envision a purely secular one. Indeed, we see God references throughout our nation's history. Our relationship with the divine is part of who we are. Do not forget that this was a nation formed by Quakers & Puritans.

Our first great "sacred text," The Declaration of Independence makes it's case with the statement "endowed by their Creator." This is not a secular case.

The preamble to the Constitution did not invoke the name of God, but it maintained that same transcendent feeling. Words like "Blessings of Liberty" and "more perfect Union" have a religious tone in any age.

When I read the first Amendment to Bill of Rights, I see the hand of men who fled persecution for their beliefs. Is this an effort to keep our great nation secular or was it to ensure that we might all have religious freedom? To be certain, some of these men were early forerunners to modern secular humanism, but most were Christian of one form or another. The fact that their efforts transcended the mindsets of their age and has bridged generations is nothing short of miraculous. So radical where these ideas that it took an extra 3 years to add them to the constitution!

See how easily this history lends itself to the founding myth of American civil religion?

All that said, the best way to protect religious freedom is by doing exactly what the first Amendment states, "make no law respecting an establishment of religion." In such that the end result is a secular society, then so be it. Any mindset that suggests (for or against) this idea is anti-religion is wrong. The first Amendment is so positively protective of religious freedom that it counters both pure secularism and theocracy.

So, what's wrong with this? It sounds rather inspired. Therein lies the potential for trouble. Consider this:

This unique and often paradoxical notion of protecting religion by not establishing a state one, was so radical that it has become foundational to the lifting up of the civil religion. Indeed, people on both sides of the issue can easily point to it as the cornerstone of their "faith" in the American ideal. It simply mesmerizes me to think about it. So, powerful is are these words that sacred sites were built in Philadelphia & Washington, DC so that millions of Americans can make pilgrimage. Who else comes to see these artifacts? Why, millions of prospective converts from all over the globe. We call the tourists.

What's the harm in lifting up such a revolutionary concept for all the world to see? One word: Zealots. Zealots see one truth. They ignore all contradictions as false-hoods. Zealots start wars. Zealots talk in absolutes. To religious communities, Zealots are idolaters. To secular communities they are destroyers of pluralism. This is the group that Gamer Geek & Nord both fear in their comments. They are the group that we should all fear.

Our Civil Religion

Sometimes, I like to toss partially-formed opinion out in my blog to see how it feels on the screen and to see the feedback. I can get away with this because most of my readers are friends who provide constructive criticism. The whole wiretap thing is a prime example. I posted my "gut" feeling about it without really delving deeply into the facts or greater ethical or political questions. Today's post is similar in that this is a new train of thought, a new puzzle I seek to unlock.

Several weeks ago, I was flipping through my limited channel selection late at night. Next to ESPN, channel surfing is the real guilty pleasure I've lost from giving up cable, but I digress...

I found myself stopping at one of the many PBS channels. There in stunning HD was the National Cathedral. The context was a really interesting show about the civil religion of the United States. Now, I've heard about the concept on several occasions. I've wrestled with the conflict of God vs Nation before. I've read a great deal about the separation of Church & State. Never before have I seen a professionally edited news-drama devote an entire show to it.

I'm trying to refrain from being too judgmental with this but I'm sure that my negativity will rise to the surface. There's something frightening and idolatrous about what I watched, what I see in people and what I see in myself on a regular basis. I remind myself often that God is not American & that Jesus would not affiliate himself with one political party or another. Except that I catch myself looking at the Republican Party as being full of corrupt Pharisees & seeing the Democrat Party as the party of true believers & good Samaritans. That's my big confession for the day!

Now that we've got my personal confession out of the way, let's take a little time to talk about the concept of civic religion.

Civil religion in this context is best described as the intertwining of religious morals and trappings with national & political identity and culture. In the US, we specifically seek to avoid the establishment of national religion. Instead, through our history and national identity, a folk religion has invaded our collective consciousness. Consider these basic examples. We regularly hear the invocation of God in our political speeches. We venerate past political leaders & have our own founding myths. We have our own national monuments & have public buildings of worship.

I'm admittedly not sure where this post is going, so I'm to pause here and give us a chance to reflect on this topic. Here are some links:

Wikipedia - Civil Religion
Wikipedia - American Civil Religion
God Bless America: Reflections on Civil Religion After September 11
Frontline: The Jesus Factor

If this were a class or some sort of discussion group, there would be questions to consider. It's not, but here are a few:

How does this concept make you feel?
When does civil pride become idolatry?
What are the dangers of civil religion & national pride?
Are we experiencing some of those dangers today?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Careful What You Say - Dumbass...

So, you know all the BS reports about Obama not being patriotic because he didn't put his hand over his heart. Apparently, he's in "good" company.

Does This Make George H.W. Bush Unpatriotic?

Now, if we're gonna question Obama's patriotism, can we question Daddy Bush's too? You know, I personally think that we should kick this guy out of the country. I mean, what has this bum done for America? I mean screw his decorated service in WWII, time as chair the Republican National Committee, running the CIA, service as the VP for the republican demi-god, and the whole 41st President thing! Obviously, this guy doesn't give a rat's ass about our great nation!

Yup, H.W. is a chump just like Obama.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

A Message from My Dog to Our Snowbound Northern Friends

Max Suns Himself On A Warm Saturday Afternoon

"Woof, woof, woof, arrooooo!"

Whew, it's warm in this sun. Too bad you're not here to enjoy it with me. We could make my people fire up the grill and chill some beer! Seriously, I should go inside before I start panting.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Ethics and Wiretaps...

Nothing Knew, I was bored and I missed you. About time you responded!

Read my last post Defending Republicans and the comments from Nothing Knew & Nord first!

Good points all, including the email I got from my Uncle. There was actually a Nightline thing on the McCain scandal. Good stuff. I don't disagree with anyone. I just find the timing odd and the sex-thing tacky.

That said, I still stand by my comments about the telecom thing. Again, all the points are valid. My uncle's comment was the most concise and straightforward...

"We must all be accountable...not point fingers."

He also added... "Roger Clemens is not a role model for anyone or any corporation." But I digress...

I've studied enough ethics to see the ethical ambiguities in the wire tap issue. I may be morally outraged, but I again see myself in the position of the exec at the phone company, or a librarian asked for someone's reading logs or anyone the FBI has gone to on their fight against terror. I can't imagine the tough spot they got put in. The light of truth isn't always easy to see in the moment.

Nothing Knew used an illustration to make his point. Well, here's my counter-argument to that one.

Imagine being told that there is a person plotting your death. To stop them, you must steal his garbage before the truck arrives. Imagine instead it's your children that are in danger. Preposterous? Sure! But people were afraid. I know I was. If some Fed came to me in 2001 or even 2004 and asked me to steal my neighbor's trash, I would be hard pressed to refuse. It's easy for us to take our moral high-ground second-guessing now.

Any one of us could have been these people. I mean, my readership includes pastors, computer programmers, financial professionals, government employees...need I say more? There but by the grace of God and some smart corporate lawyers... The only good reason NOT to do it is the reason that Nothing Knew mentioned. There's no point! That part bothers me more than the actual question of the immunity.

But then, I'm also the same guy who thinks we're wasting our time on Roger Clemens. At least the wiretap thing is related to important constitutional & security matters.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Defending Republicans

For one day only, I'm going to *gasp* defend both Bush & McCain. I know, I'm feeling queasy about it too!

Issue One: The Telecommunications Wire-Tap Immunity Thing

If you've been living under a rock, let me give you the short version: Feds ask big telecom companies for "open access" in a legally questionable maneuver all in the name of national security and fighting terrorism. The baby-bells quietly agree. The truth comes out. Legal debate ensues. Bush calls for Telecoms to receive immunity for their participation. Blah, blah, blah...

Am I the only liberal who thinks that this immunity is a good thing? Sure, it sickens me that civil liberties were stepped on. Sure, I believe Ben Franklin was right when he said that those who give up liberty for safety deserve neither. But the post-911 years have been tumultuous times. People were afraid. The government became zealous. Everyone from Big Business to Librarians were put on the spot for access. It's easy for us defenders of liberty to say, "You are bad!" to BellJr. I believe that the responsibility and the blame must rest on our President & government for any errors in judgment. Are the Telecoms without sin? Of course not. They take their customers for a ride every chance they get. But, if they are to blame, then we are to blame for re-electing the idiot-in-chief.

So, I support Bush's immunity for the Telecoms. I think the blame is his. He and Cheney should both be impeached.

Issue Two: The Lobbyist In Waiting

Reports are flooding the internet about McCain having an improper relationship with a lobbyist.

It's no secret that John McCain has pushed for campaign finance reform for years and has recently questioned Obama's funding. No Skeletons? Dude, he's been in Washington for years. Of course he'll have skeletons. Of course he's played the special-interest 2-step. Does anyone think that the timing is a bit odd?

It reminds me of the anti-Clinton zealots in the 90's. Seriously! True or not, I honestly think it's a zealously fueled smear campaign. My only question is from where? It's no secret that the "Religious Right" arm of the Republican Party hates him. It's also no secret that their backers have used this kind of tactic before. If it quacks like a duck!

I also wouldn't put it past some dumb-ass on our side. Seriously, zeal goes both ways. The fervor to get out of the war & turn this into a Democrat-run country is strong. McCain has gone at Obama & Clinton about finance before. McCain is the Republican front-runner. Why isn't this a smear from our side?

Look, here's the bottom-line: So-called morally superior people will do ethically questionable things for the "greater good." It's all too perfect timing. I don't care if it's true, because it feels like horse-shit. This shouldn't change the vote of any McCain supporter, unless they are sheep.

Same Old Song and Dance

So, I keep an RSS feed of the Netflix new releases. I skim it and if I see something I like I go reserve it. Well tonight I got hit with the craziest trip down memory lane!

Aerosmith: Live in Philadelphia 1990

I was at this concert! A family friend worked in the mayor's office and got complementary tickets. He couldn't go, so a group of us "kids" went instead. It was so much fun. We were in the 10th-row, dead center and had to stand on our chairs.

No, I'm not going to rent the movie. It just brought back a lot of memories. I lost touch with all of my high school friends. (The curse of going to a magnet school in Philly and hating school.) Anyway, I just thought it was funny and wanted to share.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

And Now a few Words About Some of the Recent TV Remakes

Seems like we've had a bumper crop of "old" SciFi remakes recently. Having just watched the opening pilot of the most recent, I thought I would take a few moments to share my thoughts about a few of them...

Battlestar Galactica -
Gritty SciFi war epic that's gone to great lengths to make you suspend your disbelief. I love it! Space is silent. Ships actually drift. People die. I almost didn't cancel cable because of it.

Bionic Woman - She could read from the phonebook & then tear it in half and I'd still watch. She's just that damn hot! The special effects rock. Jaime kicks ass! If long-dead Joss Whedon - Wonder Woman project is ever resurrected, I want HER as Diana! The show totally setup it's own "rules" and is attempting to follow it. I really like it. Note: the same folks that made BSG did BW.

Terminator - OK, major geek-technical holes in this every week. When did they get past the whole "only flesh makes it through the time device?" How does "River" keep repairing her skin? But man the action, plot, good special effects and quality acting keep me coming back. "River" does a kickass robot! I love it!

...And then there's the Pony Car...

Knight Rider - Hot Car...ummm...I mentioned the car is hot right? Yeah, that's all I got.

Lord, the cheese factor was higher than the old show. And dude, seriously, I couldn't enjoy it. The whole Nano-Tech car thing? WTF?!? The Vipers at least pretend that the laws of physics apply. Jaime at least breaks before her bionics....

...Rant truncated out of respect for my readers...'s nano-body somehow transfers the kinetic energy of bullets & an SUV...AND ONLY when the computer is turned on?!?! But hey, it's SciFi right? NO!!! It's high-gloss crap! It was one bad cliche after...

...Rant further truncated out of respect for my readers...

...Hasselhoff's toupee' looked like it was a little messed up. Well, at least the new KITT uses a "mostly" renewable power system. The Governator will love it!


The good news is that the writer's strike is over. Jaime will be back soon!

P.S. And what was Val Kilmer thinking? Seriously, did he understand that he'd be doing a bad impression of Mr Spock meets Data? "I do not feel anything." "That is not logical." Seriously Val, I know that your career has tanked since you let them put the nipples on the Bat Suit, but have some dignity!

WTF Files - Tonight on NBC

It's American Gladiators followed by Knight Rider! Did I go through a time machine? What channel is the A-team on? I can't find it!

OK technically, the original shows were not from the same time frame. Knight Rider was early 80's and American Gladiators was technically early 90's. Still, it's....disturbing. I mean, not disturbing enough that I won't record Knight Rider and watch it, but disturbing none-the-less!

Something Funny Week: Rule 34! Goes Green

Green Prono* at Berlin Film Festival

That's right, Treehugger reports that the naughty film industry is going green!

Notes for my readers:
Prono - Purposefully misspelled to make it past corporate spam-blockers.
Rule 34! - This rule says that if it's on the web, there's pron for it. (Frightening, isn't it?!?)

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Something Funny Week: OMG Stereotypes Aren't True?

Alito: 'Sopranos' guilty of sterotypes

Holy crap, SCJ Samuel Alito has changed my entire prospective on the world. Apparently, a completely fictional show about mobsters is a lie! And here I thought all Italian-Americans from NJ were just like that!

I gotz to call my boy Tony (the real one, who's Italian from NJ and works with my wife) and say,

"Hey YO! Tony, check it. You aren't a mobster. Quick, run and tell your wife that she can stop fearing you! Oh, and thanks for not putting a hit on my wife the other week! By the way, can we come over for some pasta next week? I'll bring some German chocolate cake. We can reminisce about how our countries (that we never lived in) lost that war."

Reader Request

My college friend Posey recently wrote in an email..

Now go post something funny. No more of this computer geek/blu ray/election crap. The settle argument entertained me all day Tuesday. Morgan Phillips is evil.

Who the hell is Morgan Phillips?!? I'm not sure I care. But because I love Posey like a sister, here comes something funny week. First up, something "personal" but funny.

I Love You BUT You Love Meat

No need to read the actual article from Treehugger. Just know that I read it as "I love you but you love meatloaf." Slick hates meatloaf and I think it should be categorized as a basic food-group. When she goes away to science conferences, the first thing I do is make a big meatloaf and eat leftovers for days. TMI?

Can We Just Play Ball?

Did anyone watch any of the footage from today's Roger Clemens hearing on Capitol Hill? Well, I did and you didn't miss much.


It was painful. This is worse than when Big Mac was on the hill. This is like taking the dead horse, beating it, burying it, digging it back out and beating it again. It's a sad day for America, baseball and for Roger Clemens. It doesn't matter if he's a victim or a cheat. It's just sad.

I'm also upset that the hearings are even taking place. Today, while watching clips of the hearing I also saw a a report that our fleet of F-16's are falling apart from over-use. I read about reservists committing suicide. I read that Lake Mead may dry up. I even read something that helped me estimated my share of the tax rebate. In other words...

We've got an endless and failed war that's destroying our military readiness. We're not taking proper care of our veterans. We've got major environmental issues destroying our natural resources. We've got a serious economic slowdown happening.

What do our elected officials do? They hold hearings to determine if Roger Clemens is a lying cheat. I got news for them. I no longer care. These are serious times and baseball!

From my prospective, MLB is sitting on a full count with 2 outs and the winning run on 3rd. A bloop single keeps me watching. One more major screw-up has me learning to enjoy college ball and the sound of aluminum bats.

I shit you not! *Ting*

I don't need Congress to keep dragging the baseball heroes of the 90's through their door. I need baseball to promise me NO MORE and mean it. That's all. Justice is not served here. This is a waste of our taxes.

Fix the economy. Build us new F-22s & retire the old stuff. Bring our brave men & women home from Bush's war. Usher in an age of sustainability. Baseball will fix itself or the fans will do it for them.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Format Wars: A New Hope

As promised, I'm going to spend an excessive amount of time talking about HD-DvD vs Blue Ray today.

First off a primer for my less tech-savvy readers...

These are the next generation of optical disk technology. Think of it as DvD on steroids. They both hold more information that standard DvD's and both allow for a more "powerful" movie experience with greater details, sharper picture & even better digitalized sound. They both do it and they aren't compatible with one-another. The tired analogy everyone is using is still the best description I can give; It's VHS vs BetaMax for the new age.

For a long time, it looked like HD DvD was the front-runner. But just like John McCain in the Republican Primaries, Sony's Blue Ray has taken the world by storm with most of the major studios siding with Blue-ray. Recent announcements from fom Blockbuster, Netflix & BestBuy has, according to everyone, sealed the deal. (If I hear one more "nail in the coffin" line, I'll smack someone!)

Is it time to buy?

Unless you're a tech-junky don't do anything yet. First off, this "new" format is still growing into the market. Secondly, you've got to have all the other toys to make it worth-while. Do you have a HDTV? Do you have a kick-ass stereo? Are your components new enough to have HDMI connectors? Do you watch enough movies to make the minimum $400 price-tag cost-effective? Are you the type of person who really appreciates improved picture & sound?

And what about me? I'm not interested yet. If I were still a console gamer, I would admittedly consider the Sony PlayStation3 with it's suddenly very appealing built-in Blue-ray player. I'm not, so I won't.

The impact of the "new" online market...

The other player in this game that gets lots of attention from the trolls online are the direct download companies: Netflix, Apple, Amazon, Vongos to name a few. The two emerging power-houses, Netflix & Apple are the real mystery guests at the table. How will they disrupt the adoption of Blue-ray? Well, obviously Netflix is in the best position to win since they do it all. But the question still remains, why do people need Blue-ray if they can download movies? Cable companies have on-demand and AppleTV will let me rent HD movies.

I've been pondering this one for a while. Every time I read a tech blog or forum there's always one wishful troll who says that direct downloads will kill optical disks. Guess what, they are wrong. We're going to have a both-and market for a long time to come. Here's why.

The next generation of high-speed internet hasn't reached enough homes yet. Households aren't adopting newer computers and incorporating them into their entertainment centers fast enough. With due respect to Apple & Slingbox, there aren't truly affordable set-top boxes out there that I can buy my niece to put in her room. An optical-disk based delivery system is going to be with us for a long while. Families don't have computers in every room hooked to every TV. They don't have portable movie hard drives for their cars.

Again Apple, with it's AppleTV & Video iPod line-up is close to getting it, but they are the only ones and they aren't cheap.

The Elephant in the Room...

The big elephant in the room is neither disk nor the internet, it's the economy. DvD players are amazingly affordable. I bought my mother-in-law a really nice DvD player for Christmas for under $70. It wasn't a cheap PoS from Walmart either. It was a highly rated Phillips that included progressive scan, HDMI output, the works. Spending $600 on new Blue-ray players and $30-50 for Blue-ray disks isn't going to happen in my household. Spending similar money to get an AppleTV box is also not going to happen. I'm not getting locked into one company like that. The leap from VHS to DvD was huge. Convincing millions of consumers that the leap from DvD to Blue-ray is just as good will be even more challenging if people are tightening the grip on their wallets.

So, when will I buy one?

I expect that the first Blue-ray player in this household will come in one of two scenarios: A computer replacement with Blue-ray built in or as a "free" upgrade OR A major market saturation that causes prices to become "reasonable." When might that be? Who knows anymore! The tech market changes so fast. It could be Christmas. It could be a few years from now. I could skip it for the next big thing.

Parting Shots...

The "end" of the format war is good for the consumer. More companies will get on board and start building Blue-ray players and producing Blue-ray movies. Sony will improve the design. Costs will come down. Real consumer options will appear. Blue-ray drives will become "standard" computer equipment. Then I'll buy. Until then, I'll stick with my DvD's.

If you happen to take the plunge, let me know. I come over. I may even bring popcorn!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The Digital Conversion Confusion

I was planning a post about the HD DvD wars. I figured it would be a good "third part" to my entertainment system experience. It's still coming, but instead I want to take this time to talk a little about the confusion about DTV. It all started when I glanced at the comments section of Evan Blass' HD DvD Wars Commentary today.

Note to self: Stop reading the comments section!

My annoyance started with this comment "People are buying HD NOT because they suddenly want HD but because they are being forced to buy a new TV due to the analogue signal turn..." The post continued on a poorly edited run-on sentence, but you get the idea. Bottom line: This is clear and utter confusion by the public caused by the government and propagated by the big box stores so they can sell expensive equipment.

Here are the facts:

HDTV (High Definition) & DTV (digital television) are two different things. HDTV is the aspect ratio and picture quality. DTV is the signal type. DTV naturally creates better picture quality. HDTV & DTV are like chocolate & peanut butter. They are great apart, but even better together.

If you get your TV via antenna and you don't have a digital decoder, then you will not have TV much longer. If you are in this camp, you probably aren't going to be reading this post anyway.

Folks with satellite with truly outdated receivers might have problems with the signal derived from local channels. I can't image this group still exists, but satellite receivers use an OTA (over the air) tuner to get the local channels. If that tuner is still NTSC, then it's time for a box upgrade.

The other group of people that might have issues is the camp that has old TV's and get cable direct (without the use of a cable box.) This isn't technically because of the government switch. This would be the case for individual cable companies dumping their old tech to coincide with the government switch. Worst case for you, the cable company will make you rent/buy a box, ie, your cable bill will go up.

The final group that could fit into the "technically" screwed camp are computer people. If you have an older TV tuner card in your PC, you may find yourself needing to upgrade the card. But again, this is only the case if you fall into one of the 3 camps I've already named.

The rest of you are fine. You've got a digital decoder/tuner even if you don't know it. You've got satellite, a cable box, an ATSC tuner, or don't watch TV.

Again, this whole thing only applies to broadcast TV. Cable & Satellite viewers are only affected in rarest of situations I mentioned above.

I can't stress this enough. This is a non-event for middle-class America. It's akin to Y2K, only with less impact. Every guy holding a beer at the neighborhood cookout who rants about the government forcing "us" to buy a new TV is full of shit. They are either clueless (like me when I talk about complex automotive repair) or lying in earshot of their wives to justify a new TV. Every post on the internet like the one I quoted above was written by someone who read half the story and then ran with it.

Buy an HDTV because they are cool and because your old TV sucks! Buy one because your husband's birthday is coming up and he's a good guy!* Don't buy them because of the moron who thinks he knows something. Don't buy them because the government is turning off someone else's signal.

Tomorrow, I'll make my comments about the HD DvD war.

* Both of these comments are totally directed at my mother-in-law. Their living room TV has been in the family longer than I have.

No Cable, No Satellite, No Problem

This is a continuation of my ongoing quest to not pay the cable & satellite companies for their over-bloated, over-priced TV services.

First a recap:

Looking to trim the budget of unnecessary or wasteful expenses, my wife and I got rid of cable TV. How can I, a self-described TV-junky survive?

We have a really nice OTA (over the air) digital receiver which lets us pick up local ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, PBS & CW programming. I watched the Super Bowl & Sunday's Celtics/Spurs game in HD & for "free." My receiver records onto a hard drive or DvD, so I can also record my favorite shows for later. I also have Netflix & a decent DvD collection at my local library.

Now for the "New" stuff:

Netflix: With the announcement that Apple is entering the online video rental race, Netflix chanced it's online program. If you have any kind of unlimited rental plan (even 1 at a time) you now get unlimited access to Netflix Online. And they are also finally adding quality movies and TV shows to their online library.

Major TV Networks Online: All the major TV networks have incredible streaming options. They all work best with Internet Explorer, and provide amazing quality for someone with fast internet & a decent computer. So what's online that's so great?

First, let's cover the must see reruns that I missed the first time...

Lost (Every Season in HD) - Available on ABC designed a really nice "full-episode" player on their website. The first thing they did was provide a complete library of every episode of Lost in HD streaming. The video quality blows everything else I've seen online out the door.

30Rock (Season 1) - Available on Netflix Online, it's a great spoof of the behind-the-scenes of a "SNL"-style show.

Jeremiah (Season 1-2) - Available on Netflix Online. This Showtime original show is about a post-apocalyptic America. A plague wiped out all the adults. Now, the children have grown up and are trying to rebuild society. What happens if the plague returns? Created by J Michael Straczynski, the creator of Babylon 5.

Doctor Who (Season 1) - Available on Netflix Online. The popular British remake.

Now for the current stuff...

Miss a new episode of Lost, 30 Rock, NCIS, Numb3rs? Chances are that you can find them online. Every one of the major networks now allows you to see the last 2-3 episodes of a show with "limited" commercial interruptions. NBC got the ball rolling with Heroes last year, but you can really thank CBS for putting most of their content out there on in a quality streaming plugin for both IE7 & Firefox (works best in IE7.) Each network does things a little differently. The best player is by far the one from My least favorite is from FOX which doesn't have a "full-screen" mode yet. But, when the power went out the other day and my recorder missed the latest Terminator, I was able to see it at

So, there you have it. I think this is the beginning of the "new" TV. What about sports? Like I've mentioned in previous posts, I get national games on the major networks and MLB has a paid live-streaming service. (Which needs improvement but wasn't bad.) The NCAA is coming out with some kind of "free" streaming service for March Madness. I'll definitely try that and let you know. As of now, the NBA won't let you stream unless you have their cable package.

Adventures in Computing

When the old HP box hard drive got corrupted a few months ago, I went ahead and re-imaged it to experiment with Ubuntu. When I did, I erased the restore sector. It didn't bother me since I had a copy of XP on CD & I had a backup image of the drive.

I had a lot of fun playing with Ubuntu. I was able to make it do most of my daily computing functions. It was fine for email, surfing the web and doing word processing. I still wanted to reconnect it to the TV and use it as part of my entertainment center. Unfortunately, there have been problems.

I never properly figured out how to make it play DvD's. I tried several different Linux-based players and reviewed several sites, but in the end I think it was a combination of the DvD encryption & the HP DvD drive.

Most internet based movie players & streaming sites require Internet Explorer or Windows Media Player. I could not find any workarounds for these. I researched using a windows emulator & running IE7 inside it, but that would just tax the hardware of this junk heap even more.

Finally, I decided to go back to Windblows. Easy right? I can image a computer in my sleep right? Well, not exactly. First, I learned that my standalone copy of XP must have gotten into the "lost" box when we moved south. Then I learned that the DvD image that I made the day after we got the HP machine is corrupted. I made it from the machine. I remember a painfully long verification test that ran when it was done. I placed it carefully into plastic sleeves and put them in a box. And what did I get for my trouble? Glorified paperweights!

So, what did I do? Well, I learned something rather useful. HP does have a service to request software restore CD's. If your system is under warranty, it's free. If your system is out of warranty, then you can still request the CD's. If they still have supplies, then you can pay a processing & shipping fee. It cost me $16. The disks arrived today. Disk #4 was scratched, but it did eventually work.

The box is hooked back up to my TV. There are still issues with the damn thing, but it's running. Lord HP still sucks.

Anyway, that's this adventure. It's working. There's a bunch of good content out there. I'm watching an episode from season 1 of Lost right now! I'll post more about that in my next post.

Monday, February 11, 2008

A Solid Post about Obama from Wil Wheaton

Wil Wheaton of Star Trek:TNG fame wrote a great post the other week after the California primary. It's a departure from his usual writing about trying to make it as a writer and "personality" in today's entertainment industry.

I Voted Today by Wil Wheaton

When you're done reading that post, consider adding him to your "must read" list. He writes about comic books, reviews video games, writing & his personal struggles.

Friday, February 08, 2008

Play the Candidates + Issues Matrix

I think I mentioned this resource to some folks several months ago, but I thought it would be cool to share it again.

Candidates + Issues Matrix

It's really a data-gathering program for MSNBC, but it's still yet another simple way to learn more about the candidates. The Matrix takes 5 major issues and lets you rate the candidate. They recently added video clips of the candidates talking about the issue. I've tried it a few different ways. You should too. Try rating just the info in front of you. Then try rating based on your broader knowledge of the candidate. Anything change?

I'll give you an example: I think that Huckabee is just going to follow the same BS conservative approach to immigration, but I find the blurb that MSNBC wrote about the candidate to be "favorable."

Anyway, here's a cut & paste of my most recent answers. I did a fast photoshop of it so I could put the candidates in rank order you. And yes, I know there's some green in some frightening places. This was a "rate the blurb" one. It's still the same order no matter how I've done it. Obama rocks & Ron Paul frightens me.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Democrats Should Be Afraid Of Clinton vs McCain

OK Democrats, I'm gonna lay it right out in the open. My honest opinion without any niceties....

So today, Mitt Romney "suspends" his campaign. If you've been following the news, then you know that this all but locks John McCain for the Republican nomination. And, I have something to say about this that might really surprise and outrage my mother.

Hillary CAN NOT be our nominee.

I'm dead serious. If you are against the war and against 4 more years of republican control, you've got to accept that Clinton simply can't be the nominee.

Why would I say such things? With all due respect to my friends and family living in liberal North-Eastern isolation, people don't like her. Call it bad PR. Call it guilt by association. Call it bad timing. But I've had too many conversations with moderates on both sides that will clearly vote for McCain over Clinton even if it means we stay in Iraq for another decade.

McCain will beat her and we'll have more war.

Can't happen? Yeah, that's the kind of shit that folks said when Bush was re-elected. Can't happen? Yeah, that's the kind of stupid that Patriots fans spewed when Eli Manning took the Giants from 0-2 to champions. It can and will happen if it's Clinton vs McCain. You want that?

But, you say, people are smart. We'll just show them what a fine leader she'll be. Well, besides the fact that we've proven incontrovertibly that We da People is dumb in 2004, this has nothing to do with Clinton's l33t skills. It has nothing to do with her positions on the issues. This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with gender. This has everything to do with trust. A broad swath of people do not trust the Clintons.

Why? Because, 50% of We da People seem to think that Bill & Hillary are evil. Yes, I know it doesn't make sense. Yes, the Bill Clinton years were the real golden years of America. For some reason, people forget that whole part.

But, isn't McCain a War Hawk? And didn't he pimp himself out to the religious right just to get some votes? People can't want that! Unfortunately, McCain's got "integrity." No, I don't know if it's real or manufactured anymore, but even I get sucked in when he does his little straight shooting stuff with Tim Russert.

So, that's why she can't be our nominee.

You can be shocked. You can be angry with me. I don't care. For once, I know I'm right.

And let me be clear (as if I haven't already) about this: A McCain presidency while better than any of the other Republican choices, is bad for America because of the War. It pains me to say it because I still like the guy. A Clinton presidency puts up immediate and impossible barriers for bi-partisan cooperation just because of bad blood. Which isn't fair, but that's how it is!

It's time to get out of the war. It's time to clean the slate of the "old guard" and get rid of all road-blocks to change. It's time for a Democrat in the White House. Obama is the best the only choice for President. He must be the Democratic nominee. I'll rant about that another time. I just had to get this other part off my chest.

Digest...Steam...Get Angry...Whatever...Then when you're done, understand that I'm right and then vote Obama if you still have a Primary.

P.S. I don't mind if I'm proven wrong. Hell, prove me wrong. Have Clinton get elected and give us 8 years of awesome. I just can't take that risk with this land that I love!

Random Movie Life Lesson

Ray, if someone asks you if you are a god, you say, "YES!"
- Winston Zeddemore, Ghostbusters (1984)

Did you hear there's a new Ghostbusters videogame in the works?

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


So, it's nearly Lent. As folks know, Slick and I have worked really hard to change all our eating habits. We lowered our "empty" carb intake and switched to eating whole grains, vegetables, healthy portions, the works...

So, I couldn't understand why I've been craving donuts for a week now. Then I got an email from my friend Avouz (yes, not his real name) who mentioned that he wouldn't be online on Tuesday because he's got a Shrove Tuesday dinner. My brain did a double-take I nearly shouted Fasnachts out loud!

Fasnachts are fancy donuts. They are often imitated by folks in Maryland, but real fasnachts are made in PA-Dutch country!

Yes, I'm a Philly Boy, but my mom's family is Pennsylvania Dutch.* I love PA Dutch cooking and none of it could ever be mistaken for whole grain and portion control food. I mean, lets face it, most of the "good" meals start with a tub of lard!

Anyway, I've concluded that I must make pancakes for dinner tonight. We've got that "HeartSmart Bisquick" in the pantry. (I try not to snicker too much when I read the label.)

*Note: There's a certain amount of irony to be shared. I'm 50% PA-Dutch (Mom's family) and grew up in Philly. Other than the food, the German I took in college, my need to be 15 minutes early for EVERYTHING and my late Grandmother, there's very little PA-Dutch about me. On the other hand, my wife is descended from Irish & English farmers or something like that, but she grew up in Lancaster Co so her whole childhood was a PA-Dutch Wonderland. (Sorry couldn't resist!)

Monday, February 04, 2008

Greatest Upset of All Time?!?

With respects to Broadway Joe, I think we watched the greatest football upset of all time tonight. Most of my family relocated to New England years ago, so I felt a little bad when I told them that I would be "pulling" for the Giants today.

Note: That was rough for me too. How can I pull for a NFC East rival? Simple! They aren't the Cowboys! Besides, who can't like Michael Strahan.

Anyway, to my family in New England, I'm sorry your team totally choked at the end! To the rest of the Pats fans HA! HA!!!

That, I promise, is the last thing I have to say on the matter.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Yes We Can!

Cats emailed me this. It's a video produced by Will.I.Am. (Black Eyed Peas) based on Obama's recent speech. I hadn't seen it yet. It's very cool.

Here's My Proof, iDad!

iDad called me the other day and went on a Teddy Kennedy endorsed Obama rant. Then iDad did his bandwagon jump that he usually reserves for sports teams. Now in his defense, he does the whole bandwagon thing in part to pick on me. Not sure why, but I love him anyway.

So, he goes on about Obama for a while and acts like I'm lagging behind by not joining in. "Dad, I told you months ago that I'm voting for Obama." He didn't believe me.

Well, here's my proof written way back in Sept.

Voting For Obama

Back when I wrote this, I did it mostly to appease my need for "anyone" besides Clinton. In the intervening months, I've really come to see him as "my" candidate.

Super Bowl Menu

In a somewhat unusual turn of events, Slick and I are home alone for the Super Bowl. That doesn't mean I can't make Super Bowl food! I just have to keep the portions under control.

Tonight's Menu

Screw deep fried! The best way to make wings is to fire up the charcoal and cook em slowly (about an hour) in the Webber Kettle. Instead of drowning them in sauce, I use home-made dry rubs. Today it's Tex-Mex for that "Hot-Wing" flavor & Jamaican Jerk seasoning.

Blackened Shrimp
Since I've got that fire going, I might as well get some prawns from the freezer, skewer them up and coat em with a mix of Old-Bay blackened seasoning & a little olive oil.

Veggie Kabobs
Remember the skewers I got out for the shrimp? Well, toss some "baby" portobello mushrooms, onions, peppers and whatever else you want on them.

Home-Made Soft Pretzels
You can take the boy outta Philly, but you can't take Philly outta the boy. Like all couples married in the 90's, we've got a bread maker. So, it's time to roll up a batch of soft pretzels. A little spicy deli mustard and I'm back on Broad Street...only without the bus fumes!

Spinach & Pecan Salad
Yes I said salad! Some spinach, onions, peppers, feta cheese, craisins & pecans drizzled with olive oil and really good balsamic vinegar! Mmmmm...

The one and only Yuengling of course!

Seriously, enjoy your...what is that? Doritos & fake cheese dip? Bleh!