Wednesday, March 25, 2009

OMG WTF AIG part 2

So, this AIG exec has turned in his resignation in the NYT. He's giving his $742M bonus to charity. He feels "unfairly persecuted by elected officials."

Read his letter in the NYT-OpEd section here.

You can decide for yourself.


Nothing Knew said...

I cry for the rich...they have it so tough.

Just think, he's going to have to fire the upstairs butler. Think of how that adds to unemployment!

And more importantly, he might have to floss his own teeth.

LRNs said...

Yes, originally my title wasn't going to be "part 2" but "oh boo hoo"

Then I decided to let the readers decide.

Cainam said...

I love analogies! Lets use his.

He says that the plumber should not be penalized becasue the electrictian casued a fire an burned down the house.

But the problem is, it's not the home owner who's paying the plumber here. Does the plumber deserve to be paid, sure he does. But should the town have to pay him? It's a tragedy, but by all rights AIG should be out of business. He should get nothing. Therefore whatever he gets, should be considered bonus, becasue if the goverment didn't step in you would have gotten nothing at all.

When it all coems down to it, this guy is doing the right thing. The money he received WAS charity. Seems only right it should go to people who need it.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

I plan a post how things are in the BFC (big financial company) world. Us peons are getting punished for the evil deeds the bigwigs are doing. I am not rich by any stretch of the imagination, but I am comfortable. The crap that's hitting the fan just plain sucks.