Saturday, December 08, 2007

Rehash of Ron

If you don't read comments, you may not have noticed the helpful link from Nothing Knew. Take a look at the information here titled Ron Paul's Race Problem. It's unfortunate that the ideals expressed on Mr Paul's website do not seem to match up with his own believes. Indeed, Mr Paul's statement on racism holds a layer of truth.

So, on one hand we have Mr. Paul's PR machine saying, " The collectivist mindset is at the heart of racism." And on the other hand we have him back in 1992 saying, "I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal."

So, if he's right and the collectivist mindset is "at the heart" then he too is at the heart by making such a sweeping statement. It's sad really. While I would have never entertained voting for a Libertarian, I was heartened to see a Libertarian voice in the picture reminding us about the foundations of our Democracy.

In conclusion...

Dear Mr. Paul, My hope for America is that men like you fade into nothingness so that true freedom & liberty reign.

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