Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sad News

I wasn't planning on posting over the holidays, but I wanted to write this now.

I'm writing from Granny's MacBook which is able to get WiFi access to Slick's Aunt's access point if you sit in the corner of the house and don't move. The farm is wonderfully covered in snow. The 11 hour drive was completely uneventful. The dog is loving it. We even get cell phone reception this year. The modern world creeps ever closer to the woods. It's a nearly perfect holiday...nearly...

Karen died last night. I go the call a few minutes ago. She did make it to Hospice but she didn't make it to Christmas. My heart cries out to her family. I don't really have anything to wear to a funeral, but I'm going to try and go. Just have to wait and find out when.

In the midst of all this pain, I'm also rejoiced because my good friends in Charlotte finally gave birth to their baby last week. Nate cost thousands of dollars and years of hardship to concieve, but now he's with us. I went to the hospital to visit with them and even got to hold him. This is one of those babies for whom the line "Isn't he beautiful?" totally applies.

My Grandmother, who died over the summer, would have been 101 today. So, I'm surrounded by news and memories of birth and death. It reminds to treat each moment as precious.

Everyone have a merry and safe Christmas.

1 comment:

christine mtm said...

merry christmas brother. i love you and slick deeply.