Sunday, September 06, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened...

...on my way to write new posts this June. I started having the best summer I've had in years. I felt good, the weather was great, my wife had a lot of vacation time and I just didn't give a rats-ass about blogging. Sure there were a lot of times when I considered posting about our Summer adventures. Our multiple bear run-ins while hiking in the Shenandoah National Park nearly got me posting. My 10-year-old niece singing a near perfect "Eye of the Tiger" on Rock Band 2 also ranked up there. And let's not forget getting to see Tiger Woods roar back LIVE at the Bridgestone Invitational. But all that's in the past.

Now, with Labor Day upon us and remaining vacation time limited to Thanksgiving and Christmas, I'm thinking about getting back to my normal routine. So, what about this blog? Good question. Do I even have any readership anymore? Some folks probably neglected to delete me from their RSS feeds. But then, this blog has never been about "readership."

When I stopped posting this spring, I joined Facebook at the behest of some friends. I found it a mixed bag. On one hand, it's a virus-laden, time sink. On the other, I reconnected with dozens of high school friends. Unfortunately, it made me realize that highschool was 20 years ago. Yet, instead of reminding me of all my highschool horor, Facebook has helped me rediscover the good times. For that, I'm glad to have joined. Just don't expect me to do anything on Farm Town or Mafia Wars. I've got a lot better games to play.

My Facebook experiment can't/won't replace blogging or other online-networking in my life. Facebook isn't about close friends or deep thoughts. It's about broad, social networking. I don't have 80+ close friends. I have 80+ "friends" from multiple phases of my life.

Oddly, the biggest news in my life since starting my blog-break is probably our exit from World of Warcraft. After over 3 years, WoW stopped being the best MMO for us. So, the wife, our friends and I all moved over to Lord of the Rings Online. The gameplay is similar enough to make the transition fairly painless, but different enough to breath fresh life into online gaming nights.

Now, before you worry that we simply replaced wow-addiction for LotRO-addiction, rest assured that Slick and I have moved past the 7 nights a week MMO insanity. Our group officially tries to meet 2 nights a week. I expect that we'll have some weeks where that number will be more like 3-4, but gone are the marathon Warcrack days.

Our main recreation source is still online videogames. But instead of just playing the MMO de jur, we're doing more stuff on the Wii. We've got an online Rock Band 2 group and I've been trying to organize weekly Mario Kart Online night with my college friends and hope to start a weekly session this month.

We've also been getting together with our neighbors for dinner, trying to make friends with other couples on the block & even make friends with some of Slick's work friends.

So, that's my quick recap.

Let me finish this post with a shout out to my friend, Pobble over at Pobble Thoughts. She's been going through a blog-writing crisis much like the one that lead to my taking a break from blogging. Her plight was a major reason why I decided to finally get this first post back out of the way. I've been close to starting back up for weeks, but avoiding it. This is my lame attempt at solidarity with her. Good luck Pobble!

and now to hit publish without spellchecking or proofreading. Why? Because I'm tired and I feel like it. Night all! And welcome back me.


A Pocket Full of Posey said...

And I thought your return to blogging was to make me happy. Welcome back. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts again. And to beating you in MK.

Nothing Knew said...

What Facebook virus? That would be pretty darn difficult to do. But since all Facebook applications demand almost full access to your account I guess you could call them all viruses in the wrong hands.

As for the blogging part, yeap, I understand your plight. I too have reduced my blogging...but my reason was mostly getting a new job. I hope to find reason to post 2-3 times a week this coming fall but in much smaller posts (like 2-3 paragraphs).

I'm glad you are back to commenting on life. And I too look forward to wiping your ass all over the circuit in MK.

king m said...

Welcome back.

MetsFan said...

Welcome back. My wife mentioned you had come back. I had been checking every now and then. I have been considering starting to blog, but I am not one to put myself out there and I do not usually have anything interesting or intelligent to say. But maybe that is the purpose.

Nothing Knew said...

How about just starting using an RSS reader and then not having to 'check' if he (or I or Posey) have posted? ;-)

As for blogging...if you don't think you have anything useful to say then start twittering or using facebook (I suggest facebook). That way the onus to post long treatises is reduced.

LRNs said...

Thanks all.

@Posey It's always about making you happy

@NK - I was using "virus" as a catch-all term for spyware & malware issues I've heard about from tech-support friends due to games & such in FB. A lot of people don't protect themselves.

@MetsFan - Not having interesting things to say never stopped anyone else from blogging.