Friday, September 18, 2009

Weekend @ Turner Field

Joel, you wanna know something? Every now and then say, "What the fuck." "What the fuck" gives you freedom. Freedom brings opportunity. Opportunity makes your future. - Miles, Risky Business

Miserable 2-weeks here at our house. It started with my feet being a mess, making it hard to walk. (Yes, it's all related to my Fibro.) Then Slick got utterly hammered at work. She even brought the dreaded black bag (the one with the laptop in it) home last weekend. She worked all-day Sunday then followed that up with multiple days of getting up at 5AM to get to work early.

This morning, while looking over the Phillies boxscore from last night, I noticed that they would be at Turner Field all weekend. Miles pops into my head. Before I noticed, the wife and I have hotel reservations across the street from the stadium and really good seats for Saturday & Sunday's games.

Happy early anniversary to us.

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