I'm going to complain about the heat. (And yes I know my friends and family up north got hit with the heatwave over the weekend. So, I know you sympathize.)
Triple-digit temperatures for several days straight is just painful for the beginning of June. I think that the online temp topped out at 103-deg today. Both the internet & my bedroom thermometer tell me it's 102 outside now at 5PM. My deck thermometer gets late afternoon sun and it's reading off the scale (it stops at 120.) I went out to walk the dog at 8:30 and it was already in the upper 80's. I guess it's time to start exercising at dawn.
I had yard-work planned this week, but I'm not doing squat until the heat breaks. It's hot enough that the AC is running non-stop just to keep the house at 78-80. I've taken to lounging in my shorts drinking iced-tea. The dog has discovered that the guest bathroom floor is cool. I'm half-tempted to join him (or give in and lower the thermostat a few more degrees.)
If this is what the whole summer's going to be like, I'm moving to Maine or Alaska.
I would also recommend Washington state. Our heat is on. Seriously. This isn't to rub it in, simply to offer an alternative. ;)
Don't move to Maine. Sure the summers are nice, but you can't afford heat in the winter.
i got into my car the other day to go to the grocery cause it's got ac and we didn't yet and my car's thermostat read 107.
i mean Good Grief!
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