Thursday, July 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Tom Cruise

File under weird shit that I remember. Today is Tom Cruise's birthday. Why do I know this? Way back in 1989, he played Ron Kovic in the movie Born on the 4th of July. I remember, oddly enough, the interview he gave while promoting the film. It bothers me that I can remember the birthday of this nut-job, but have to look up my niece's birthday.

I have a love-hate relationship with the "trappings" of the 4th. I'm big on our country's history (especially the Revolutionary War,) consider myself Patriotic and love the Constitution. I dislike drunk people with fireworks and never got into parades (Unless it's the Mummers.)

Anyway, back to Tom. Ever since he went off the deep end, I won't see his movies. Frankly, I can't emotionally separate the idiot from the actor anymore. Still, Born on the 4th of July was a powerful film when I saw it at the tender age of 16.

To this day, the story of Ron Kovic serves as a reminder to me about innocence lost and the dangers of clinging to the flag. America is never as bad as it's detractors suggest, but it's also never as good as the Zealots want us to believe. Kovic's story is also one that should, perhaps, be re-introduced to today's generation. Already, the news is too filled with horror stories about injured Iraq Vets receiving inadiquate care. The past repeats.

We the People, at least on the surface, are doing a better job of honoring our soldiers. Brave men and women are not returning to angry and hateful attacks on their honor. Unfortunately, we're imbroiled in another wasteful conflict with no end in sight.

Tomorrow, we pause to reflect, to celebrate, to BBQ in honor of a hard-faught dream. Our challenge tomorrow (and everyday) is to honor our country while still holding it to a higher standard.

Oh, and happy birthday Tom.

1 comment:

BostonPobble said...

Amen, Brotha!

A couple years ago, I went to the Cape with several friends for the holiday and we got to talking about what the 4th meant to us. I was the only one for whom it was about our country, the Constitution and what those amazingly brave men did back there in Philly so long ago. And even then, having been out of touch with you for years, I said "I'm the only one I know who feels this way...except maybe LRNS." And didn't even know at the time why it came out of my mouth; it just did. Now I know why. ;)