Friday, April 11, 2008

I Can't "Taste" Anything

You know when you have a cold and you can't smell so nothing tastes right? You find food either unappealing or needing extra spice. That's a good analogy for how I'm doing this week. After weeks of being super sick, I'm sapped of stamina but itching to do stuff. Nothing "tastes" right. I've started two different books that I know I should be enjoying but can't. I've got absolutely no interest in playing WoW today. I try to write and I'm completely blocked. And because I'm still having pressure headaches & fatigue I can't take on more substantial projects. I'm sure someone wants to tell me I'm depressed and I'm sure that I'm at least a little blue. It's almost expected after the month I've had. And, I know that I'll push through it eventually, but it's frustrating. I also know that if it doesn't pass in a week, I can go back to the doctor's and get some additional pain killers and even some "happy pills" if I want. I just don't like the side-effects of either.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I completely understand what you are feeling and yeah, it does sound like mild depression. I get it myself from time to time. Being sick like you were/are doesn't help. I got so tired of watching TV when I was ill that I just wanted to do anything else, but of course couldn't find anything fun.

It will pass. You will begin to feel better. I am pulling for you and if there's any way I can help, let me know.