Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Voting @ 5:45AM

This one is from iDad. He arrived at the polls at 5:45 AM and was greeted by a line.


Nothing Knew said...

The general feeling that I'm getting in reading and checking into twitters is that the early times were the worst so far.

Perhaps that is due to the threat of weather here in PA. Perhaps it is due to the need of people to show up to work on time. But it doesn't bode well for this afternoon and this evening.

Why don't we have a national holiday for election day? At least the bi-annual elections?

Anonymous said...

Or even a half-holiday?

But anyway. We got to our polling place at 7. And waitied 10-15 minutes in line... the wrong line. And then they sent us to another line, but that one was short... but also the wrong line. Third time's the charm and we did get to vote... after standing about 10 minutes in line #3.

The lesson here: when you move, and you update your voter registration, and they send you a new card... don't just check to see if your polling place has changed, look to see what ****ing "district" you've been assigned to.

All this, of course, with a small person who was growing increasingly unappy with waiting in line. I'm not sure it was better or worse that he's not verbal yet... so he fussed instead of actually *telling* us how miserable he was.

Anonymous said...

In another thought... writing a letter to our local elections board. We have these goofy touch-screen things... with the wings so that allegedly no one else in the room can see for whom you're voting. HOWEVER, in our (eventual, see other comment) polling locaiton, they set them up so that anyone walking by on the sidewalk outside would have a very clear view of the screen.

I didn't want to bug people about it, since we'd already waited so long, and I didn't want to call the election commission on a day when I'd rather they deal with people who have bigger problems.

But I want this fixed before next year's primary!!!!