Monday, April 23, 2007

Be careful what you ask for...

So, Slick is on a business trip to Europe this week. (Always marry above yourself!) Weeks ago, when I realized that she'd be gone I (mostly joking) asked my father to come visit. With the way I'm feeling, help with projects and general company is welcome. Imagine my shock when he bought plane tickets! He's here now. Don't tell Mom, but he's *GASP* cleaning the breakfast dishes as I write.

We're going to look at the leaky kitchen sink when he's done and see if we can fix it. I think if I was 100%, I could do it. So hopefully we (me at 50% and him at whatever speed he moves) can "get er dun!"

Anyway, even with last night's strange trip to the grocery store, it's nice to have him here.

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