Friday, April 27, 2007

So, I got rid of Cable TV

Thought I couldn't do it? Well, I did. No more cable TV. (And no, I didn't get Dish or satellite to replace it.)

I've always been a TV junky. I love the visual medium. Some people like books, some like music, I love 2d entertainment. Give me a good SciFi show or a sappy movie any day. Two years ago, I scraped, saved and begged the wife until she caved and we got ourselves a 56" HDTV. We've got it hooked up with surround sound and everything.

So, think I'll go crazy without cable? Possibly. But, I've got lots of options: Our DvD collection, Netflix, and a growing amount of online content. I'll miss sports. But what I'll really miss is turning on the TV for no apparent reason and finding something SOOO crappy, SOOO stupid that when slick walks into the room, she just SIGHS and walks out. Yep, gonna miss that a lot.

So, we'll see how it goes.

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