Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Fibromyalgia Diet

My mother-in-law sent me an article from her local paper about a person who changed her diet in response to fibro. While there's still some question as to if I have Fibromyalgia or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (or both) a Fibromyalgic diet is worth further investigation.

If you've been following along with my blogg, I've devoted more than one post to the subject of healthy eating. Let's see how a typical Fibromyalgia diet stacks up with my current efforts. Below are some key points taken from a different article called The Fibromyalgia Diet: Eating for a Better Quality of life. To sum it up quickly, the article suggests:

Remove these completely from your diet -
I've listed my current actions in italics next to the topic

Chocolate - I've greatly reduced my chocolate intake and moderating it's consumption.
Carbonated Beverages -
Don't drink any
Coffee -
I love my morning cappuccino, but maybe I should avoid having more.
Alcohol. -
Don't drink hard liquor. I have, at most, one glass of wine or a beer a week.

1. High fat dairy foods - I don't have any high fat dairy foods. Skim milk & non-fat yogurt only.
2. White sugar and white flour - I've been cutting back on sugar and switching to whole grains.
3. Fried foods - Agreed. I make a lightly fried healthy stir fry for dinner. But nothing beyond that.
4. Preservatives, junk food, and salt - I already try to limit my sodium intake. Junk food is JUNK!
5. Red meat - One dinner per week at most.
6. Coffee and caffeinated teas - Reduce? Sure. Avoid? No.
7. Colas, soda pop, and carbonated beverages - No problem.
8. Liquid with your meals - Don't understand this one.
9. Alcoholic beverages - See earlier comments.
10. All forms of tobacco - I can count on 1 hand the things I've smoked. They were all at bachelor parties.
11. Prolonged periods of direct sun exposure - With my fair problem.
12. Nutrasweet and saccharine - Interesting. I've really been cutting back on the sugar. Using splenda to help.

As part of the balanced nutrition plan Slick and I are following, we are already doing most of this. Moving forward, I'll be mindful of the possible connections between these foods and my condition. There are so many unproven theories about causes and treatments for Fibro & CFS that any reasonable suggestion needs to be considered. The pain and food diaries make a lot of sense. Just have to be cautious to determine the validity of a connection. Practical use of science to help with an unpredictable condition. We'll see.

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