Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Sleepless night rant

Two really hot-button topics have been in the news lately: Abortion Rights and Gay Marriage.

I am neither gay nor am I a woman. So, I tread lightly on both topics. Foolishly, in my half-asleep, recently medicated (for said sleep) frame of mind, I find myself putting a few of these thoughts to print.

It pains me that there are many good people on both sides of these issues that have prayerfully concluded that they are right and that those on the other side are the enemy. I have worked hard to look past my own viewpoint and started to try to understand the debate(s) from both sides.

Is abortion sin? As a Lutheran, I'd rather ask, what part of our lives are not devoid of sin? How do we escape it by condemning a woman for making the most difficult choice of her life? I started to ask myself, "could both sides be right?" Could abortion be fundamentally evil while at the same time a law preventing a woman from controlling that choice also be fundamentally evil? Then what? Are we left with a scenario without winners? Yes, I believe so. For me, there is only one choice: I must support a woman's right to choose and I must help to usher in a world where women never have to be faced with that horrible choice in the first place.

Is homosexuality a sin? As a Lutheran, I'd rather ask, what part of our lives are not devoid of sin? Is sex without commitment, equality and love a sin? Yes, and it doesn't matter what kind it is. But then, what about love? If two people, after prayerful consideration find themselves in love and willing to commit to each other always and forever, how can we call that evil? Again, it's too easy to ignore the faith, the love, the lives of the "enemy" in this debate. And Marriage, who has done more to tarnish the sanctity of marriage? A gay couple who's been together for 18 years wanting a religious blessing OR Britney Spears short-lived, highly public farce?

I don't have the answers here. There must be a way to say, "Love one another as Christ has loved you." There must be a way to embrace our similarities and stop focusing on our differences. We are all lost, broken, people living far from home.

OK, back to sleep!


christine mtm said...

you got something here.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it sounds like he has too much cough medicine again.

If both are right then how is anyone wrong? Is there evil if there is no wrong answer to a choice?

Gay sex and abortion bother wingers because they are 'icky'. The concept that a person makes decisions without some sense of ultimate truth bothers them; making the difficult choice to terminate a pregnancy is not evil it is just a matter of humanity, bad choices with no good results.

Of course that brings up the question as to whether homosexuality is nature or nurture. If it is nature then how could a god who hated it create people who did it? So in this instance they take up the cause of choice; people choose who to love. Which of course means you can turn them. Ahhh then we have the joys of "But I'm a Cheerleader".

Soo much thought in such a little textbox. Glad I post about important things like encryption codes at my blog ;-)