Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Why The Sarah Connor Chronicles Are Worse Than Star Trek Voyager

Every week Cameron gets more beat up than Voyager ever did. Yet, every week she fit and polished from stem to stern. At least Voyager reasonably tried to answer this issue with the old "mine enough fuel from that planet and we can replicate a new bulk-head" strategy. Voyager even had the "Year from Hell" episodes. Granted they all went through yet another temporal anomaly so everyone (with speaking parts) lived. But I digress...

...Well actually, I have no point. Although, I could take this moment to be a complete dork and tell you that Seven of Nine would totally kick Cameron's ass! I won't, but I could.

This is the moment when NothingKnew finds this exact senerio on the web under Rule #34 only involving jello.

Sigh! Someone, anyone (J.M.S., Whedon, JJ, Ron Moore) save us from this wasteland of bland network SciFi. Actually, rumors are that Heroes will recapture some of it's season 1 magic. I won't hold my breath.


Nothing Knew said...

Took me all of 5 seconds with Google

Jello Seven of Nine Terminator

BTW, did SCC start again? I hope my Replay caught it. I can suspend disbelief just to see River (I mean Cameron) kick some machine ass.

I just wish John Conner would stop whining so much...perhaps he's who Phil Graham keeps talking about?

LRNs said...


Yes, it started last night and I watched my DVR today, thus the post.

Nothing Knew said...

Yeap, just found it on the Replay. Glad you reminded me...once I finish Eureka I'll check that episode out.

gamer-geek said...

We watched it last night and boy did it stink. I can't wait for Christian Bale to wipe out the memory of this whiny John Connor. We did get to make jokes about "special modifications" after the whole "I love you" bit though, so at least we had a bit of a smile. I don't remember the first season being quite this bad.

LRNs said...

They could have, should have let this "Evil-Cameron" run for a few episodes. They should not have shown us the liquid terminator until mid-season. And now they are living at the Church? What?

Don't worry. Knight Rider will make this show look like award-winning television.