Saturday, December 20, 2008

Almost Like Losing a Member of the Family

Majel Barrett Roddenberry died this week. She is the voice of the ship computers, she was Nurse Chapel, she was Troy's mom. When she did a guest appearance on Babylon 5 it was a sign to a lot of us fans that the show had arrived in SciFi circles. There has never been Trek without her. She will be in the upcoming JJ Abrams reboot, but after that...

Trek has been a part of my life for so long. I was in high school when the Next Generation came out. My friends, the geeks that we were, all took on the persona of crew members. Being the youngest & shortest I was, sigh, Wesley. Actually, they called me Mr Crusher. :-D

This is something I've kept hidden for years because of all the Wesley-haters out there.

But frankly, Will Wheaton and his blog is becoming a sort of hero of mine, so I don't care who knows anymore.

In our 2nd year of college, every night 11PM was "Trek" time. So many people watched the nightly ST:TNG reruns that you could walk the halls of my dorm (men's and women's sides) and never miss a beat from the episode. Star Trek movies would often come out just in time for my birthday. Our old Nissan still has my "Klingon Warrior Academy" window sticker on it.

I just plain like Trek.

Thanks for helping to keep your husband's dream alive and for being a part of my life for so long. You will be missed.

1 comment:

Avouz said...

Somehow, I missed this news. Quite sad.

Slowly, but surely the original Trek cast is passing into the great beyond. De Kelley, Jimmy Doohan, Rodenberry himself, and Majel now all gone.

Having seen the footage of Nimoy as Spock for the new film, it's obvious he's showing his age too.

It's a sad time in life when you have to say farewell to your heroes, even if they are just actors playing those heroes. I'm looking forward to the new film, but recasting Spock, Bones, and Kirk isn't going to be the same.

On that note, one has to keep in mind the difference between actor and character. In terms of Wesley, the character is an annoying little Mary Sue. The actor playing him is cool as hell.