Saturday, December 06, 2008

House Plants

I've been busy with the house plants since my last post about them. I took some parts to some old IKEA storage shelves I had in the shed, combined it with some scrap lumber I had in the garage and *presto-chango* instant plant shelves.

The Green Zone

This house plant haven faces SW, gets light all day and good afternoon sun. The plants are flourishing there. Bob, the ivy plant, is doing exceptionally well in his new pot and is taking over much of the right part of the shelf. I have to rotate him every couple of days because his leaves turn to face the sun. Part of me wants to see just how much he can grow.

And yes, I named the ivy plant Bob. Your point? We also have Grace the Spider Plant & Fred the nearly dead peace plant.

Bob, the Ivy

During her Thanksgiving Visit, the Queen bought me a Christmas Cactus. It's in bloom and adds some much needed color to the green zone. There was some obnoxious debate about what I would name it. Out of revenge, I've named it pRick. The P is silent.

pRick, the Christmas Cactus

I'm also trying to root some more plants. Grace produced two more babies (in addition to the 8 she gave us this fall) and I'm seeing if I can get some of Bob's vines to root.

The Nursery

The other project is an indoor herb garden. This is requiring regular care because the house is so dry. I'm spraying them with a water bottle twice a day and wondering how they will handle our leaving for Christmas.

The herbs have already been put to use to make some leftover ham & lentil soup and some turkey soup. Mmmm...homemade soup with fresh herbs! I've decided to not name any of them since they are technically food.


Note: When I originally posted this, I accidentally wrote that Bob was a fern. The Queen corrected my mistake.
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Anonymous said...

I like the bit about not naming the herbs. *giggle*

Nothing Knew said...

Blogging style guidelines normally hold that you maintain the wording of the original post and strike through the removed/changed wording.

But I am not sure that has been codified anywhere. Just the style I see used at the more 'professional' blogs.

BTW, that is a NICE window for plants and herbs. I wish we had one....I seem to kill all the herbs I try to grow. Maybe I should try again but with small plants, not seeds.

A Pocket Full of Posey said...

Beautiful plants! I'm a little jealous. I seem to kill everything these days!!!