Sunday, December 07, 2008

Oh No! Smart People?

What are we thinking?

Academic elites fill Obama's roster
Critics worry about insularity as Ivy League graduates crowd cabinet posts

Oh thank God! The best and the brightest from our nation's best and brightest academic institutions are being selected by Obama to work with him.

Seriously, I don't want people like you or me running this country. I want people SMARTER than you or me running and fixing this country. The Bush Presidency's demystification of the White House is complete and utter foolishness. The "every man" should not be running the country. Also note, even with plainspoken manner and all those Bushisms, Bush is still an Ivy League grad from an aristocratic family. He's retiring to a 2 million dollar home.

I am not saying that smart people don't come out of small liberal arts colleges or state schools. I'm not suggesting that the every-man doesn't have things to offer. I'm saying that our country depends on Obama's selections, so I want him to pick really smart people.

And, IMHO, anyone who disagrees with me automatically joins me on the list of people "not smart enough to run the country."

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