Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A final word of my discontent for memorial "E"

Well, it's been several days since I saw the news about the ELCA "memorial" about G&L pastors. I had a long talk with my father about my complete and utter contempt for the way the church failed to utilize their website in this matter. But thus far the whole thing seems to be blowing over. Shame too. Chaos can be a good thing!

The result seems to be that the church didn't do anything new. The official position hasn't changed. Leadership just went ahead and put something in writing to help protect G&L pastors from witch-hunts.

A good friend and extreme liberal told me once that the real reason conservative Christians persecute G&Ls is because they think it's "icky." I believe that there's a great deal of truth to his point. Still, I can not deny the prayerful deliberations of my fellow Christians just because I think them wrong. Nor can I begin to close the divide between the two camps on this issue.

And yet, it is my fervent belief that the current rules of our faith marginalize members of our community. This stands in stark contrast to the will of Christ. We do this, not out of desired principles, but out of sin-induced hypocrisy. Anyone can proof-text very convincing arguments against homosexuals and just as easily commit sins of sexuality. The simple and inescapable truth is that we all fall short of the grace of God.

What concerns me the most is that the "body" of the ELCA needs all it's parts. Liberals need conservatives to keep us from going over the proverbial deep-end of pluralism and permissiveness. The Conservatives need us to keep from becoming like the scribes and pharisees. I find it interesting that Jesus' actions spoke volumes to this very problem. If a situation demanded that he break a rule, he did so. But never did he stray from the intent of the rules of his faith.

Admittedly, I offer no answers here. I wish I did. I trust the Holy Spirit and I try to act accordingly. Perhaps, the ELCA will continue to exist as a both/and. We will, depending on geography & population, be a welcoming place for our G&L brothers & sisters. We will also not be so. I can't decide if this is a broken, sinful element to our human-made institution OR a joyful spirit-inspired act by Christ's Church.

A final note: My father pointed out (without any statistical backing) that the bulk of ELCA leadership (pastors and lay-leaders) are liberal while the bulk of membership lean conservative. It makes me wonder then if the will of the Church can ever be accomplished if those who make decisions do not represent the hearts and minds of those whom they represent. But then, if the job of leadership is to discern the will of Christ... Church politics are simply screwy.

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