Sunday, August 19, 2007

Saying Goodbye to Foxtrot

Today, I'm deleting Foxtrot from my "tabbed" comic-strip viewing. Several months ago Bill Amend announced to his readers that he was stopping the daily strip so he can pursue other endeavors. I begrudge him not, but the Sunday strips simply feel empty without the true genius of the weekday storys. Since "tabbed" means that I open all my comic links at once, the Sunday strip is a constant reminder of the loss of one of my favorite comic strips of all time. (Calvin and Hobbs being #1.)

This begs the pathetically mundane question of my comics reading list.

Favorite Strips
For Better or For Worst - by Lynn Johson - I've been reading this strip for so long that they feel like family
PvP (player vs player) - by Scott Kurtz - This is my favorite pop-culture, geek webcomic.
User Friendly - This comic is a throwback to my I.T. days.
Order of the Stick - by Rich Burlew - A (not daily) comic strip for D&D players.

Other daily strips I'm sorta reading
Frazz - Intelligent strip by Jef Mallett, a devote' of Bill Watterson. Frazz feels like Calvin grown up.
Get Fuzzy - by Darby Conley - An odd strip about a man and his pets. Sometimes great...always odd.

Non-daily web-only strips
Looking for Group - A strip "inspired" by World of Warcraft.
Dork Tower - John Kovalic - Love all things Geek? Read it.
Nodwick & Full Frontal Nerdity - Two strips by another gaming geek master...Aaron Williams

So, I'll pose this to my little group of readers...What's not on my list that should be? What am I not reading that I would absolutely love? You can post a reply or send me an email. Remember, the selection must be available online. I don't get a paper.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My Post

Come check my blog if you want to see my list.