Sunday, July 08, 2007

When I get to heaven

My sister posted in her blog today that she is going to take on the issue of sexuality with her parishioners. Anyway, this got me thinking about the nature of Sin and about the nature of Grace. I know, a hug subject shift from the post on the MLB All-Star Team, but bear with me.

My prospective of the nature of sin has always been it's pervasiveness. I believe that every act is tainted by sin. I don't believe in the human capacity for true & unconditional altruism, at least, not without divine intervention. Perhaps this sounds pessimistic to you, but it's not. In fact, I've always seen it as one of the cornerstones to my belief in God. At my most loving and selfless moments, I still fall short of God's grace, yet I'm loved by God anyway. From this giant leap of hope and faith comes the other side of that stone, the belief in a God that can love in the face of our most hateful & selfish moments.

The promise of Christ is a promise about the people I hope to meet in heaven. I hope to meet the most hated and vilified people in history. I don't want St Peter welcoming me. I'd rather have Judas there to tell me that the forgiveness of sins knows no bounds. This is the hope with which I greet the world.

Anyway, this brings me back to my sister's quest. Christians spend so much time focusing on the nature of sin that they loose sight of the nature of Grace. If there's room in heaven for Judas, maybe there's room in the Church for everyone. I guess that's where I'd start her discussion...With Grace.

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