Tuesday, March 11, 2008

It Makes Me Sick

I'm sharing this because this kind of hate speech must not be hidden. A free and just society brings evil to light. Hate cloaked in Christ's name is hate!

I was watching news videos on CNN.com and they had a segment about the homophobic speech made by Rep Sally Kern of Oaklahoma (R). The speech itself took place some time ago, but the posting in You Tube got so many hits that local news in Oklahoma ran a story which, in turn, hit CNN this week.

She flat-out states that the gay lifestyle is more dangerous for the nation that terrorism. She goes on to spout the most hateful and ridiculous propaganda I've heard since I've watched video archives of Nazi speeches.

In the news show, she tries to defend her "free speech" and tries to back-peddle by saying that she was speaking out as a Christian. I heard nothing remotely Christian in her comments. Hate is hate. Bigoted comments about both gays and Islamic people do not, in any way, follow the teachings of Christ. This is the same BS kind of argument that slavers & segregationists made about Blacks. In the Civil War, it took good people of faith to stand up and point out evil. In the 60's, Dr King had to die to end segregation. Haven't we learned out lesson yet?

The arguments made in her anti-gay, fundamentalist rant is the same illogical stuff I've heard over and over. I have said, more than once, that I will respect a person's faithful belief that homosexuality is a sin. I disagree, but I'll respect it. What I can't respect, is propaganda and hate-speech. If someone wants to draw a line and avoid "worldly" behaviors they deem sinful, fine. If that same person wants to make theological arguments for the avoidance of behaviors, fine. I'll pray that they see the light. They'll pray that I'll see the light. It's not great, but it's a start.

Instead, we get gay-bashing and fear tactics.

I'll stop here before my rant goes on further.

Included is one of the many videos on You Tube that captures her speech and a link to the video segment on CNN.com.

CNN video


Avouz said...

I take some consolation in that this sort of bigotry and ugliness is coming into the light of day. The Bible says you will know good and evil by its fruits, and I take some satisfaction in seeing the hypocrisy of those who abuse Christ's name exposed as the frauds they are.

Anonymous said...

Please sign the petition to get Sally Kern out of Office. Forward to all your friends, post on your blogs!
