Friday, March 14, 2008

Laid Low By Fibro-Fog Week Continues

I'm feeling better today, but man it's been a rough week. I keep reminding myself that I still feel better than some of my best days last year this time. I'm "functional" when I force myself. I'm frightened that I used to try and go to work like this. Driving more than a few miles scares the shit out of me because it's so hard to focus. My online crew has been really great. My gang dragged me around a low-level instance. "Go tank that!" "Uh, OK!" And the other hunters in my raiding guild are filling my slots all week. I'm just glad I grilled a whole chicken on Monday. Yes, I'm sure Slick is tired of leftovers made 4 different ways, but she'll get over it.

Still, I can't complain. The ACC Conference finals are being shown on CBS all day today. I love free sports in digital HD! UNC just won their game and Virgina Tech is playing right now. I've been watching the games from my chair while reading Marvel Comics Online on the laptop. This old clunker may not have a working battery, but it's still fine for surfing. I'm essentially caught up with the events of the Marvel Universe from 2002-2006. Some good & some bad. As usual, Chris Claremont's work starts off strong and seems to get lost. Other stuff, most notably Exiles & New X-Men started weak but have grown on me. I'm also getting more and more interested in stuff from the 1970's.

I felt really bad for tossing that comment about FBoFW w/out a spoiler warning yesterday. I've actually been careful to not blog much this week. I've been working on a very detailed instructional post for my WoW blog, but keep losing my train of thought when I try to write-up the math, so I'm just sticking with updates here until I feel better.

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