Friday, January 25, 2008


Slick and I have both been a bit under the weather. We've got chills and general run-down feeling. She even called out from work. So I turned up the heat and I made homemade ham & lentil soup from a ham-bone we've had sitting in the deep freeze. It was damned tasty and really simple. We even dusted off the bread maker and made some homemade pretzels to go with it.

Anyway, that's why I've not had a lot of posts. Aside from a little World of Warcraft, we've mostly been taking it easy. The soup really hit the spot, but we're both still acting really sluggish. Nothing inspiring to write about this week. You would think that the man who can be inspired to write about such inane things as tea pots can find something to write about.

Let's look at my available topics:

The Presidential race is local right now. There's also the shocking death of Heath Ledger. Let's not forget the weird shit between the Online Hacker Community vs Scientology. I've even got "rant-worthy" stuff. I'm sitting here fighting with Windows Update and iTunes. How can I pass up a chance to rant about Windblows?!?

Alas, I'm utterly uninspired to write about any of it.

So, I tell you about Ham & Lentil soup, -- Mmmm good! -- I "rant" about not feeling like ranting and I contemplate crawling into bed. Perhaps tomorrow I will be inspired.

Don't hold your breath!

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