Sunday, January 20, 2008

Some Updates to My Favorite Links

Every now and then I find "new" to me stuff. After having them in my rotation for a while, I'm sharing with you. Here's a few sites to add to your rotation.

ExtraLife - This is the home of Scott Johnson. Scott's little enterprise includes a great little webcomic and the Instance (WoW) podcast. He's also the creator of the awesomely-fantastic 56-Geeks poster.

WWdN: In Exile - Will Wheaton finally embraced his inner Wesley Crusher and successfully evolved beyond it. His blog and website have really been an amazing window into how an actor, writer, and "personality" makes a living & stays an all-around cool guy that any geek would want to hang with.

Robert Reich's Blog - Economist, Professor & NPR commentator, Robert Reich offers his political and economic opinions for us to consider. I don't always agree with him, but I always find him insightful and thought-provoking.

Also, here's something I'm taking off the rotation.

The Secret Diary of Steve Jobs - I read and enjoyed this blog long after Fake Steve Jobs was revealed. He had a really good "swan song" several weeks ago when he dropped character and pretended that Apple was trying to buy his silence. Alas, it was going down-hill long before that. He's lost his Mojo and I'm not hanging around to see if he gets it back. I'm so unimpressed with his work of late, that I'm not even going to give him a link.

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