Sunday, February 17, 2008

And Now a few Words About Some of the Recent TV Remakes

Seems like we've had a bumper crop of "old" SciFi remakes recently. Having just watched the opening pilot of the most recent, I thought I would take a few moments to share my thoughts about a few of them...

Battlestar Galactica -
Gritty SciFi war epic that's gone to great lengths to make you suspend your disbelief. I love it! Space is silent. Ships actually drift. People die. I almost didn't cancel cable because of it.

Bionic Woman - She could read from the phonebook & then tear it in half and I'd still watch. She's just that damn hot! The special effects rock. Jaime kicks ass! If long-dead Joss Whedon - Wonder Woman project is ever resurrected, I want HER as Diana! The show totally setup it's own "rules" and is attempting to follow it. I really like it. Note: the same folks that made BSG did BW.

Terminator - OK, major geek-technical holes in this every week. When did they get past the whole "only flesh makes it through the time device?" How does "River" keep repairing her skin? But man the action, plot, good special effects and quality acting keep me coming back. "River" does a kickass robot! I love it!

...And then there's the Pony Car...

Knight Rider - Hot Car...ummm...I mentioned the car is hot right? Yeah, that's all I got.

Lord, the cheese factor was higher than the old show. And dude, seriously, I couldn't enjoy it. The whole Nano-Tech car thing? WTF?!? The Vipers at least pretend that the laws of physics apply. Jaime at least breaks before her bionics....

...Rant truncated out of respect for my readers...'s nano-body somehow transfers the kinetic energy of bullets & an SUV...AND ONLY when the computer is turned on?!?! But hey, it's SciFi right? NO!!! It's high-gloss crap! It was one bad cliche after...

...Rant further truncated out of respect for my readers...

...Hasselhoff's toupee' looked like it was a little messed up. Well, at least the new KITT uses a "mostly" renewable power system. The Governator will love it!


The good news is that the writer's strike is over. Jaime will be back soon!

P.S. And what was Val Kilmer thinking? Seriously, did he understand that he'd be doing a bad impression of Mr Spock meets Data? "I do not feel anything." "That is not logical." Seriously Val, I know that your career has tanked since you let them put the nipples on the Bat Suit, but have some dignity!

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