Friday, February 08, 2008

Play the Candidates + Issues Matrix

I think I mentioned this resource to some folks several months ago, but I thought it would be cool to share it again.

Candidates + Issues Matrix

It's really a data-gathering program for MSNBC, but it's still yet another simple way to learn more about the candidates. The Matrix takes 5 major issues and lets you rate the candidate. They recently added video clips of the candidates talking about the issue. I've tried it a few different ways. You should too. Try rating just the info in front of you. Then try rating based on your broader knowledge of the candidate. Anything change?

I'll give you an example: I think that Huckabee is just going to follow the same BS conservative approach to immigration, but I find the blurb that MSNBC wrote about the candidate to be "favorable."

Anyway, here's a cut & paste of my most recent answers. I did a fast photoshop of it so I could put the candidates in rank order you. And yes, I know there's some green in some frightening places. This was a "rate the blurb" one. It's still the same order no matter how I've done it. Obama rocks & Ron Paul frightens me.

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