Thursday, February 14, 2008

Something Funny Week: OMG Stereotypes Aren't True?

Alito: 'Sopranos' guilty of sterotypes

Holy crap, SCJ Samuel Alito has changed my entire prospective on the world. Apparently, a completely fictional show about mobsters is a lie! And here I thought all Italian-Americans from NJ were just like that!

I gotz to call my boy Tony (the real one, who's Italian from NJ and works with my wife) and say,

"Hey YO! Tony, check it. You aren't a mobster. Quick, run and tell your wife that she can stop fearing you! Oh, and thanks for not putting a hit on my wife the other week! By the way, can we come over for some pasta next week? I'll bring some German chocolate cake. We can reminisce about how our countries (that we never lived in) lost that war."

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