Thursday, February 07, 2008

Democrats Should Be Afraid Of Clinton vs McCain

OK Democrats, I'm gonna lay it right out in the open. My honest opinion without any niceties....

So today, Mitt Romney "suspends" his campaign. If you've been following the news, then you know that this all but locks John McCain for the Republican nomination. And, I have something to say about this that might really surprise and outrage my mother.

Hillary CAN NOT be our nominee.

I'm dead serious. If you are against the war and against 4 more years of republican control, you've got to accept that Clinton simply can't be the nominee.

Why would I say such things? With all due respect to my friends and family living in liberal North-Eastern isolation, people don't like her. Call it bad PR. Call it guilt by association. Call it bad timing. But I've had too many conversations with moderates on both sides that will clearly vote for McCain over Clinton even if it means we stay in Iraq for another decade.

McCain will beat her and we'll have more war.

Can't happen? Yeah, that's the kind of shit that folks said when Bush was re-elected. Can't happen? Yeah, that's the kind of stupid that Patriots fans spewed when Eli Manning took the Giants from 0-2 to champions. It can and will happen if it's Clinton vs McCain. You want that?

But, you say, people are smart. We'll just show them what a fine leader she'll be. Well, besides the fact that we've proven incontrovertibly that We da People is dumb in 2004, this has nothing to do with Clinton's l33t skills. It has nothing to do with her positions on the issues. This has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with gender. This has everything to do with trust. A broad swath of people do not trust the Clintons.

Why? Because, 50% of We da People seem to think that Bill & Hillary are evil. Yes, I know it doesn't make sense. Yes, the Bill Clinton years were the real golden years of America. For some reason, people forget that whole part.

But, isn't McCain a War Hawk? And didn't he pimp himself out to the religious right just to get some votes? People can't want that! Unfortunately, McCain's got "integrity." No, I don't know if it's real or manufactured anymore, but even I get sucked in when he does his little straight shooting stuff with Tim Russert.

So, that's why she can't be our nominee.

You can be shocked. You can be angry with me. I don't care. For once, I know I'm right.

And let me be clear (as if I haven't already) about this: A McCain presidency while better than any of the other Republican choices, is bad for America because of the War. It pains me to say it because I still like the guy. A Clinton presidency puts up immediate and impossible barriers for bi-partisan cooperation just because of bad blood. Which isn't fair, but that's how it is!

It's time to get out of the war. It's time to clean the slate of the "old guard" and get rid of all road-blocks to change. It's time for a Democrat in the White House. Obama is the best the only choice for President. He must be the Democratic nominee. I'll rant about that another time. I just had to get this other part off my chest.

Digest...Steam...Get Angry...Whatever...Then when you're done, understand that I'm right and then vote Obama if you still have a Primary.

P.S. I don't mind if I'm proven wrong. Hell, prove me wrong. Have Clinton get elected and give us 8 years of awesome. I just can't take that risk with this land that I love!


Anonymous said...

I don't know that a McCain/Clinton race guarantees a McCain presidency... but it does make it a lot more likely. And I have to say that I personally would have a lot of soul serching on my way to the polls for that contest. As a potential president, I'm a lot more comfortable with McCain than with any of the other republicans, but I don't know that I like him much. I am finding, however, that I'm liking Obama more and more; and I do believe he's the best option for the country right now.

And from the lessons learned from movies department... from Men In Black (sorry I don't have the exact quote) "A person is thoughtful and reaonable; people are panicky and stupid."

LRNs said...

Thanks M. That's actually the quote I was thinking about as I wrote.

christine mtm said...

i don't hate to admit that i think you are right. and i hope lots more people agree with you in the end and elect obama.