Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Careful What You Say - Dumbass...

So, you know all the BS reports about Obama not being patriotic because he didn't put his hand over his heart. Apparently, he's in "good" company.

Does This Make George H.W. Bush Unpatriotic?

Now, if we're gonna question Obama's patriotism, can we question Daddy Bush's too? You know, I personally think that we should kick this guy out of the country. I mean, what has this bum done for America? I mean screw his decorated service in WWII, time as chair the Republican National Committee, running the CIA, service as the VP for the republican demi-god, and the whole 41st President thing! Obviously, this guy doesn't give a rat's ass about our great nation!

Yup, H.W. is a chump just like Obama.

1 comment:

Avouz said...

You might want to familiarize yourself with an acronym. You may have already run across it on the blogsphere.


"It's O.K. if you're a Republican."