Sunday, May 25, 2008

New Label Topic

Various friends and family have been asking me to give them some of my recipes. These requests range from my BBQ rubs & wings to quick & healthy dinner menus. Some stuff is from books and some are my own creations. The difficulty with the stuff from books & magazines is the copyright rules. I will give credit where due and hope that's enough.

Then there's the stuff I've created. Frankly, I cook like I live. I create and I experiment. If I come up with something good, I repeat it. My chili is never the same twice. I rarely measure. So, writing stuff down is going to be a challenge. Still, my best meals involve simple, "mostly" healthy, natural & fresh ingredients. This should translate well.

Finally, a note to the anti-salt crowd. I use it. I also use sugar. Since I avoid salt, processed foods & sugar for every other meal, I don't worry about this kind of stuff. I will try and note when these ingredients are optional & when they are IMHO required.

The new label is called "Eats" after the Alton Brown show "Good Eats."

Next favorite rub.

1 comment:

BostonPobble said...

Like you, I use salt, sugar and even butter when I cook. I use them rarely enough that I see no reason to substitute them.