Saturday, May 17, 2008

Safely Married - No Fights Broke Out

Well, Avouz is married. I must now work on a pseudonym for the new bride.

The wedding was held in an old-style big Pennsylvanian Lutheran Church with high arches and marble steps to the wall-fixed alter. The groomsmen and "associates" took over the church library for the entire afternoon. It was more than just a hangout, it was a base of operations. I even wrangled a "lackey" to run errands for our group. The best man's tie is missing, call the lackey! The groom forgot to bring socks, send the lackey. Poor guy drove all over streets he's seen once, with me calling him every few minutes with more instructions.

I could go on about the wedding itself...which was very nice...but let's skip it (good and bad) and move on to the party.

The bartender was rather liberal with the drinks. Rum & Coke? Where's the coke? A friend got the strongest Cosmo I've ever been in the same room with. WHEW!

But hell, I'm alive and home (at my inlaws) I have been released from my duties. I simply must get my tux to any Men's Warehouse Tux Location tomorrow.

Tomorrow, I am responsible for NOTHING. We're going to church in the morning and getting together w/ Cainam in the afternoon. I'm not driving or making the plans. I'm totally along for the ride. Their only instruction is to make my day easy and relaxing as possible.

OK, I took my pain-killers and a sleep-aid before I started writing this. They are both definitely working. I can't wait to read this post in the morning.

When I'm more coherent, I will work on some posts with details an maybe even some pictures.


gamer-geek said...

We were supposed to have a fight? Why didn't someone tell me!
It was nice seeing everyone again!

Nothing Knew said...

Surprising since it is a well known fact that all LRNs's friends are unrepentent brawlers.

Lrns would throw a punch and then begin a 500 word essay on how tired it made him feel. ;-)

I kid because I love.