Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Doctor Visit

Well, I had a doctor's visit today. It went very well. He's really pleased with my weight-loss, the nutrition plan and my exercise level. He noted that we got through the summer without a single sinus infection and asked if I had any migraines recently. (These are both elements of the fibro.) I haven't! In fact, I've even had the windows open at home for 2 out of the last 3 weeks.

Anyway, Dr C made some adjustments to my medication list, which is now 1/2 as long as it was last year. Most of it is now "as needed" instead of daily. He also ordered some blood-work to check for liver problems and such. He's really serious about having regular blood-work from me to make sure that we aren't missing anything. This is yet another reason why I'm so glad we found him. He's always double-checking.

So, keep eating right, exercising, maintain the sleep schedule and control my stress-level. Done deal!

Slick is a lot more happy now than when I was working and I'm clearly a lot more healthy. Today's doctor's visit confirms that.

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