Wednesday, October 31, 2007

And Now a Word From Our Sponsor

Slick here. Look! It's Stonehenge.

No, really. I saw it. It was much bigger than the one they had on Spinal Tap.

What? Oh. LRNs says I'm supposed to say something educated and erudite about this World Heritage Site. Let's see... Stonehenge is England's most famous Neolithic stone circle. The "henge" part refers to the circular bank of earth that surrounds the site. It is located near Salisbury, on the windswept rise of Salisbury Plain. The larger stones are Saresen stones, from ~20 miles away, and are at least 2-3 times taller than a person. The inner circle of smaller stones are "Bluestones" and were brought all the way from Wales--240 miles...impressive work for the people living there 3500-4500 years ago. Not much is known about the origins of these people or why they built the circle, although many theories have been suggested--including an ancient solar calendar or place of religious or mystical significance.

In other words: it's a bunch of big rocks that have been there for a long, long time. No one really knows who put them there or why. There are a bunch of sheep in the next field over, who don't really seem to mind one way or the other.
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1 comment:

christine mtm said...

how cool! i would LOVE to actually see stone henge some day! bring the pictures at thanksgiving!