Tuesday, October 09, 2007

My Obsession With Opening Adverbs

Looking back over my blog and my other writing, I've begun to notice a trend. I love to start sentences & paragraphs with "Anyway." You may not notice because I've been trying to cut back. There are times when I proofread a post only to find that 1/2 the paragraphs start with "Anyway." I'm also fond of similar words like "yet," "nonetheless," and the dreaded opening conjunction. I just love starting a sentence with "and" or "but."

Seriously, I really like transitional words. I can't get enough of them. It's like a drug. Emotionally, I would much rather have a run on sentence than two grammatically correct sentences that didn't flow. I hate the feeling of an abrupt transition. Yet, (see there it is) I feel like this is one of the biggest hurdles of my untrained and inexperienced writing style.

I suppose this is also a huge symptom of the "anyone can do it" problem with society today. Any trained monkey can express themselves online. Screw journalists and actual writers. What do they know? A lot actually. I know a few people educated in the finer arts of prose and style. Most bloggers can't hold a candle to them. Yet, we try. (See, there it is again!)

Still, I'm learning. That's good.

Anyway, good night and good luck! ;-)

P.S. Yes, I know that I've been posting in clumps again. I'll try to spread them out more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Seriously" you like opening sentances with Adverbs? ;-)